Frequently Asked Questions



One call and a specialist will be quickly dispatched.

Auto lock repairs as well as lockout services.

We provide 24/7 car key emergency services that will eliminate your car key problems in record time.

A partner for all your trunk and glove box repair needs.

Lehman Locksmith is the uncontested leader of lock forging.

Computer technology to activate and deactivate locks electronically.

Provide access control for your system mainframe or terminals.

Secure safe to guard your most valued possession with complete peace of mind.

Design wizard key via auto, copy, or standardized.

All of our keyless entry systems are grade-1 certified, state-of-the art, locking systems that use only the most advanced technology.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of common questions that our clients ask us. If you need more information don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Serving All Five Boroughs

Based in Brooklyn, Lehman Locksmith serves Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. From New Jersey to Connecticut, Long Island to Pennsylvania.

Call us TODAY! Bonded/Insured - License #1024590

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